
Members' Meetings - Sydney

2nd Wednesday of the month in the

Mitchell Room
1st floor
Mechanics School of Arts
280 Pitt Street
commencing at 6.30pm

(located opposite Fletchers Photographics
just a few minutes from either Town Hall or Museum stations)

Dates for 2023
14 June
12 July
9 August
13 September
11 October
8 November
13 December

Visitors Welcome

Members' Meetings - Newcastle

3rd Tuesday of the month in the

Hamilton North Bowling Club - Function Room
31 Boreas Road
Hamilton north
commencing at 7.00pm

Visitors Welcome

Railway Luncheon Club (based in Sydney)

The Railway Luncheon Club visits a place of railway interest each month (except January), generally on the third Wednesday, followed by a meal at a nearby venue. Visits are made to railway stations and other railway locations usually within the Sydney metropolitan area but with an occasional overnight venture further afield. Being conducted mid-week, it is particularly aimed at those members who may wish to go on shorter tours and just meet over lunch with those of similar interests. Generally, public transport is used and informative field notes are usually provided.

Members of the Australian Railway Historical Society and guests are welcome to attend the outings. Details of future events will be published on this website and in the ARHS Members' Newsletter each month. The outings are an informal affair and there is no need to book for day outings, just turn up. However, bookings are essential for overnight visits which are usually limited in numbers.

The Luncheon Club outings are intended to be complimentary to the ARHSnsw tours program. Visit the Railway Luncheon Club page for more information.

Luncheon Outing Group (based in Melbourne)

organises a monthly gathering combining lunch, fellowship and a visit to a place of interest, usually associated with railways or tramways in an around Melbourne.

There is usually a nominal cost and historical notes are provided. Lunch is at the participant's own cost, as is any travel involved which is usually by public transport, using your Myki ticket.

Participation in Luncheon Group outings are open to all members of the Australian Railway Historical Society and their guests. The group's outings are informal, but please register your intention to participate with the coordinator, Hugh Waldron, at least 24 hours prior to the event for catering purposes.

Details of future events will be published on this website and in the ARHS Members' Newsletter each month.

The Luncheon Group was originally established under the ARHS Victorian Division, based on the format established in NSW.
Following the closure of the Victorian Division, the group continued its monthly outings under the banner of the Association of Railway Enthusiasts. When it too ceased operations, ARHSnsw stepped in to enable the group to continue.