
ARTC Freight Lines tour – CPH Rail Motors

Our tour scheduled for Sunday 13th November has now been postponed to Sunday 27th November, due to a late ARTC line possession. Bookings are still open, and those who have already booked will be contacted to confirm travel on the new date.

Our train will consist of the heritage CPH Rail Motors from The Rail Motor Society at Paterson.

An early departure from the Museum at Paterson with pick-ups along the way if required at Maitland, Broadmeadow, Gosford and Hornsby for a departure from Concord West at about 9.30am. Proceed along the ARTC tracks through Flemington to Chullora Junction and head south to Leightonfield Crossing Loop, then to explore the new Moorebank Freight Terminal. Travel further south passing Campbelltown and rejoining the Main South line beyond Macarthur to Maldon Junction to reverse. Return to Macarthur South Junction and on to Campbelltown for a lunch break. Bring your own picnic lunch or patronise one of the food outlets located close to Campbelltown Station.

After lunch rejoin our train to proceed along the Metropolitan Main South Line through Glenfield and Liverpool to Cabramatta Junction and on to Sefton Park Junction to rejoin the ARTC Freight Line. Pass Chullora Junction and the Enfield Marshalling Yards to the Suburban Goods line through Campsie to Marrickville Junction and the line to Port Botany Terminal.

Our return trip will retrace our tracks through to Chullora Junction, then Flemington Junction and along the former Abattoirs Branch to Olympic Park. Proceeding around the loop we return to Concord West and the homeward journey to Paterson.

Morning and afternoon teas will be served on board whilst travelling. Tour Notes will be available on departure from Concord West.

Regrettably track safety conditions do not allow us off the train for photo opportunities with one exception – we will have a Train Crew Member take photos at locations and provide copies by negotiation.

To download a booking form, click here: ARHS CPH ARTC Lines Booking Form

Photo: CPH Railmotors and CTH 53 at Richmond, 1960. GW Lillico, ARHS Archives 057064

  • 27/11/2022