
Become a Member Today

Membership of the ARHS New South Wales Division is open to anyone 15 years of age or older and offers a range of benefits.

Benefits of your membership include:

  • A free subscription to the Australian Railway History magazine
  • A 10% discount on all ARHS bookshop purchases and events
  • A discounted subscription to Railway Digest for your monthly rail news
  • Priority access to events, walking tours, members meetings and talks
  • A monthly ARHS members' newsletter
  • The opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals
  • Support for the preservation and promotion of railway heritage in the community

Purchase Archive Access

Available Access periods are:

  • 1 months access
  • 3 months access
  • 12 months access

Currently, the Collection comprises of:

  • Photographs, slides and digital images (the total number exceeds 1 million
  • Engineering drawings of locomotives, rolling stock and infrastructure
  • Books and reports, annual reports, Royal Commission reports
  • Employee records;
  • Railway staff newsletters and magazines;
  • Industry and railfan magazines;
  • Maps, signal diagrams, curve and gradient diagrams, street directories
  • Timetables, Composition books, Operating Instructions, Rules and Regulations
  • Circulars and memorandums
  • Passenger fares and goods and coaching instruction;
  • Personal observations and diaries of train movement
  • Film and audio;
  • plus much more.

Over 75% of the collection has been digitised and 20% is available on our online archives. Access to the online archive is included in ARHS Membership.