
NES equipment to NSWGR and DRTT Staff

During the Second World War, a government body was established to act as an air raid and civil defence service on the home front known as the National Emergency Service (N.E.S.). From 1939 onwards, civilians were encouraged to join up, with an emphasis on railway and civic employees. The standard issue kit for NSW Transport Department NES wardens was as follows:
– Mark II Brodie Helmet, with either “N.E.S. R.” or “G.R.”
– Yellow armband, with “G. Railways N.E.S.”
– Mark V respirator, with “NSWTD” stamped on the front of the respirator bag, which was commonly a Mark VII
– N.E.S. warden badge
– N.E.S. identity card
– Trench whistle
– Appropriate N.E.S. issue instructional paperwork
A number of people joined the N.E.S., some 115,000 by the war’s end, with an appropriate number being assigned to districts between the Hunter and Illawarra regions. Commonly each warden would wear their armband and badge, with the respirator and helmet being much rarer to find in regular use. Some wardens even took it upon themselves to wield a wooden baton, although it’s not quite known if this was endorsed or not by the N.E.S.!
Eventually disbanded in c. March of 1946, the N.E.S. was then replaced by the Civil Defence Service in the 1950’s and later S.E.S., with most equipment being returned to the issuing agent.
Bradley Jenkins