
ARHS Governance

Annual General Meetings

The Society's Annual General Meeting is usually held within 5 months of the end of the financial year. The Society's financial year is May-April.

The AGM is held in accordance with the Constitution. The purpose is to present the results for the year and to elect directors for the subsequent year.

2023 Annual General Meeting

This will be held on Wednesday October 11 at 6:30pm at the Sydney Mechanics Institute, 280 Pitt St Sydney. The meeting was advertised in the September Members' Newsletter and also here:
2023.10.11 Notice of AGM

The Agenda for meeting is here:
AGM Agenda 11 10 23

The Annual Report for 2023 is here:
2023 ARHS Annual Report

The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting, held 2 November 2022 are here:
Minutes of ARHS-NSW AGM 2 Nov 2022

As the agenda shows, a number of minor amendments to the Constitution are proposed to improve wording, remove errors and bring it up to date with ACNC recommended best practice.
The changes proposed are here:
2023.10.11 Proposed amended ARHS Constitution

The explanation of these changes is here:
2023.09.20 Notes Proposed Constitution Changes

ARHS Constitution

Constitution approved by Annual General Meeting of the Membership on 11 October 2023.

Meet the Board